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2011 Betty Miller Photo Contest
On November 12, CVIDS held its 5th annual Photo Contest at the Fall Banquet in honor of former CVIDS President and hybridizer Betty Miller. Many thanks are due to Sylvia Seymour for organizing the contest. The following prize winners are to be congratulated:

Class 1 (Large flower): 
First Place: Gerald Hobbs, ‘Kirkwood King’
Second Place: Brenda Knipper, ‘Ruby Spider’

Class 2 (Double daylilies):
First Place: Zora Ronan, ‘Topguns Metha Scott’
Second Place: Clay Dawson, ‘Root Beer Truffle’

Class 3: (Spider and unusual forms): 
First Place: Lynn Stoll, 'Eight Mile High'
Second Place: Zora Ronan, ‘Shake the Mountain’

Class 4: (Landscape): 
First Place: Gary Oster, landscape with birdhouse
Second Place: Brenda Knipper, landscape with birdhouse

Class 5: (Landscape/Clumps):
First Place: Clay Dawson, 'Word of Honor’
Second Place: Brenda Knipper, ‘Divine Secrets’
Class 6: (Hybridizers’ seedlings): 
First Place: Colleen Hansen, Stoll Seedling 1006-2010B
Second Place: Gary Oster, unnamed seedling

Grand Prize: Gerald Hobbs, ‘Kirkwood King’